Lent 4B March 22 2009

Lent 4B March 22 2009 Numbers 21:4-9 Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 Ephesians 2:1-10 John 3:14-21 A friend of mine had a tattoo on his arm with the words: That which does not kill you will only make you stronger. The words encircled an image he had seen on the cover of a book of Hindu spirituality…

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John 3:16

John 3:16……we see that everywhere in the Christian world. If there is one bit of Christian paraphernalia that crosses denominational lines and is truly ecumenical, this is it. I have seen it on bumper stickers, greeting cards, t-shirts, screen savers, baseball hats, memo pads, ball point pens, and yes, even tattoos. It was a scripture…

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