Once upon a time…

Pentecost 3C Galatians 1:11-24  Luke 7:11-17 Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl whom everyone loved. Her mother gave her a little cap and cloak made of bright red fabric and from then on, everyone called her little red riding hood. One day her mother said to her, “Little Red Riding Hood,…

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God Impositions Us

This is an older Ash Wednesday homily re-posted by request. Blessed Lent to you all. Earlier this week, as the church secretary was preparing to send out information on our Lenten activities, she came to my office and said, “What’s the word for what you do with the ashes?” It made me pause a moment.…

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The Witness

Christmas 2C          John 1:1-18 In the beginning…that wonderful ‘once upon a time’ sounding phrase from God. Makes us think that we are going to get to hear a great story! We hear In the Beginning and we think of that primeval time when God created land and sea and sun and…

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The Inception of Advent

Advent 2C 2015    Malachi 3:1-4   Luke 3:1-6 Have you ever had one of those nights when you couldn’t sleep and you are sitting in front of your television, channel surfing, sort of mindlessly or at least unconsciously, in search of something to watch? In search of something to fill the void? I would imagine…

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