For Fear

Easter 2B    John 20:19-31 “…the doors of the house where [they] met were locked for fear…” This is a description of Jesus’ disciples on that first Easter evening. They were afraid. So afraid! So much so that they were hidden, doors locked. It is a feeling we might find very familiar these days. At…

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Transfiguration Sunday     Exodus 24:12-17    Matthew 17:1-9 If someone told you they had a mountaintop experience, what would you think they meant? Most of the time, people mean they had an experience that changed them. They went someplace or to an event or perhaps just experienced something in a new way that they never…

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Because I Am Generous

Pentecost 16A    Jonah 3:10-4:11,  Matthew 20:1-16 I love the book of Jonah. It is a remarkable story and there is something about Jonah that always feels very familiar. His frustration, his desire to run away from God and God’s call, and his disappointment in God doing exactly what he always knew God would do…

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Standing In The Shadow

Pentecost 11A   Matthew 15:10-28 Around this time tomorrow, people in this area and in a wide strip across our nation will be gathering together to look up. We will have a chance to see a wonderful and probably once in a lifetime sight: a true total eclipse of the sun. The moon, following its…

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