The Lost

Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32  Lent 4C When I was about eleven years old, the daughter of a friend of my mother’s ran away from home. It was a typical, though heartbreaking story. Abusive older boyfriend, strained relations within the family, assorted illegal activity including drug abuse. There were months of worrying, handwringing, second guessing, anger and…

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I’m So Sorry

The sermon for tonight’s Lent Wednesday service comes from this essay I wrote a few years ago about apologies. The essay is below (not the sermon itself. Guess you have to come to church to hear it this time! 😉 ) I am repeatedly grateful for those who have had the courage to face their…

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Luke 13:1-9  Lent 3C Once upon a time there was a fig tree growing in the middle of a large orchard. It was an orchard of peach trees and apple trees and fig trees and lots of other trees as well. It was a lovely orchard with trees that were strong and beautiful, short and…

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Because God First Loved Us

Luke 10:25-37 Last Wednesday evening I wish I had brought a camera to the pulpit with me so I could have taken a quick snapshot of everyone when I mentioned that we were going to spend some time during Lent thinking and talking about forgiveness. The expression on many faces was something like: “Really? Do…

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Ashes To Life

Phil 3:17-4:1 Luke 13:31-35  Lent 2C Well, believe it or not, it is already the second Sunday of Lent. This season has crept up on me this year and I think I am not alone in that. It has come quite early, since it is set by the date of Easter and that date changes…

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